

Welcome to our blog where we equip women with tools to help them in their Christian walk and share what God lays on our hearts!

I Care For You

When you’re trudging all uphill

Fighting elements at will

Take a moment and be still

“I care for you.”

When the pounding wind and sleet

Pelts your wounded spirit—- seek

Seek a solace with the meek

“I care for you.”

You will not be overcome

I rebuke the evil one

Lord of Host! The battle won

“I care for you.”

Do not fear or be dismayed

For on me your trust is stayed

Overcomer! I remain!

“I care for you!”

This I speak into your soul

Make your wounded spirit whole

Walk in victory, and know

“I care for you!”

By Janene Dubbeld

Boomerang Blessings