We’re now in the second week of 2022 and for the first time, I feel like I’m getting my grip on the hopes & goals I have for this year. I’ve bought the planner and matching notebooks, scribbled on sticky notes and written out hopes. But this sense of assurance hasn’t come from these things, its only come from relying on one thing…
-God’s purpose over my plans
Giving all these things to God- tied in a bow of surrender.
My prayer for this year is that I lessen my grip, plan only for God’s desires and seek Him more than I ever have. Remembering that His will for me is ultimately way better than what I could manipulate on my own. Trust me though, I know that this prayer is a whole lot easier to type out than it is to live.
I wonder what Matthew thought when God called him to follow him. Matthew was a tax collector, driven by greed. He accepted that his occupation was despised in ancient Israel and kept it anyway that is until Jesus came into the picture.
Surely Matthew’s mind raced with questions, maybe his grip wanted to tighten on his security, but just think of all he would’ve missed out on, had he not released his own plans and followed Jesus.
Think of all you could miss if you determine to make your own plans succeed- that’s kind of a scary thought.
Let’s determine to surrender this year to Jesus- He doesn’t need a yearly calendar, He’s already been where we’re going and promises to walk the journey with us.
Psalm 31:14-15: “But I trust in you, Lord; I say, ‘You are my God. My times are in your hands.”
Your friend E :)