At a gas pump on a rainy day I remembered these three things:
Today is not forever. Rainy days have a way of lasting all day and if you’re not in the mood for a candle and a good book, they can be daunting. I love a rainy day when there isn’t a mile long to do list staring me down. I don’t love a rainy day when I’m already in an over-my-head overwhelmed state with all the life stuff. I slipped my debit card into the card reader and starred at the rain as the numbers began to go up. That’s when I heard it…His whisper of hope. It was the reminder I needed right then...that the leaves do change and today will be over in a few hours bringing a new beginning with the sunrise tomorrow. The hope that He is with me through the rest of today and He is promised for every hour of my tomorrow. 1 Peter 5: 7 Casting all your care upon him; for He careth for you.
The sun will shine again. As I pulled away from the gas station, my wind shield wipers slide over the window and I looked beyond the window. I saw the clouds and they refreshed my memory that just beyond them, somewhere there was the sun and it would shine again. It would dry up the skies tears, casting a new perspective on life, bringing new growth, helping us appreciate what we had when we had it. Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Jesus is enough. Like I mentioned, rainy days have a way of lasting. They seem to keep on going and when your heart is heavy or overwhelmed everything instantly changes colors into an annoying shade of gray. You remember all the things you haven’t gotten done and add them to the list of things you need to do right now. Not being able to accomplish your daily list of things can set your spirit at an all time low, reflecting in feeling as if you are inadequate or not enough. (I know this because I have been there and it sometimes feels like I live in that moment) But there is beauty in that reset…when we remember we can’t handle everything on our own it is easier to remember who can! 2 Corinthians 12 :9 My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
Let’s let Jesus slip in the seat beside ours and take care of today. It is He who fill us when we are empty. It is He who continues to inspire us when we’re exhausted and it is Jesus alone who picks us up when we no longer have the strength to complete our own expectations.
I don’t know if it’s been raining where you are recently, maybe you feel as if all it’s been doing is raining in your life. But I do know who could hold the umbrella for you…He will shelter you from the storm and guide your heart back to His.
It wasn’t long ago that I needed this reminder…maybe you needed it today. Either way I pray your heart is encouraged in this truth.
-your friend e