Last night I took a melatonin planning to doze off as a re-run of an old show cast it’s light in the dark room! As I washed my face I thought of how easy it is to neglect something if you don’t make a point of accomplishing it! I remembered that my devotions had been quick this morning & chose to spend some extra time reading & connecting with my Heavenly Father before turning out the lights.
I flipped open my current favorite devotional by Holley Gerth & read the scripture! Luke 12:7, I opened my Bible & read on-
Consider the sparrow- he is not forgotten
Consider the raven- he is fed daily by his creator
Consider the lilies & how they grow-
How much more valuable are you?! The Lord clothes the grass with dew yet he longs to take care of his greatest creation even more!
Release the breath that has been getting tighter & tighter in your chest! Life is changing, we all see it and change always brings questions and uncertainty but don’t forget who holds the key to the store houses of Heaven.
I love verse thirty-two in the twelfth chapter. It likes the Father sits down right beside us, getting on our level and says, don’t fear, it is my greatest desire for you to have the kingdom!
The only thing you must prepare is a heart ready to receive the blessings He has for you! Where will your heart reside? If your unsure of where it currently resides, take a mental inventory of where you spend your time and what your thoughts dwell on.
If you are cautious to give your heart to the Heavenly Father, can I give the perspective of someone who has? Safety surrounds the surrendered, there is no better care giver than Jesus. I can write that because I’ve experienced that. His love for us surpasses any other, trust Him with your heart friend, I have never regretted giving Him mine.