“Stop! Let’s go back and get a picture!” my voice punctuated the air.
“You really want me to turn around?” my daughter asked incredulously.
“Yes, I do!” I answered.
She turned our vehicle around and headed back to the empty lot. Well, almost empty. There toward the back of the lot, in the middle, was a pair of concrete steps. The thing that made them so interesting was there was nothing at the top of the steps! Apparently, the house, mobile home, shed, church building – whatever the steps had led to was gone, and all that was left was the steps!
It intrigued me to see such a sight. Reminded me of the walk of faith. Even when we KNOW our steps are ordered by the Lord, we walk by faith not sight. Psalm 37:23; II Corinthians 5:7 Sometimes it seems like we’ve reaching the top of the staircase and are stepping into nothing . . . but, that’s usually where we really find something. Where we find HIM!
When we come to the end of ourselves. When everything we’ve always known has been stripped away. When the way we’ve always done it comes up empty – Jesus is there. The only steps to nowhere are the steps where God is not welcome.
Welcoming God into our “nothingness” He begins to speak, to work, to “order our steps!” He spoke the world into place from nothing. Nothingness is His opportunity to show up! And, so beautifully He reminds us in John 15:5, “without Me you can do nothing.”
To step into what humanly seems to be “nothingness” – can be the step that leads us into the fullness of Christ. The leaving of “me” is the finding of HIM!
It is this Christ life that brings the joy unspeakable and full of glory. I Peter 1:8 Not I, but Christ living in me. Galatians 2:20
Today, this is my choice – let HIM live in me, through me, all around me. Step into “nothingness,” and find Him.
Would you join me?