This little idea comes from a girl that has walked through many Christmas seasons single. It’s a crazy, full, chaotic, sweet and most of the time portrayed as a romantic holiday and when you’re holiday is everything but the last adjective you can feel slightly overwhelmed and alone. I’m here to tell you that even if you don’t get something special under the mistletoe this year-you can still have an amazing holiday and enjoy it. Joy comes from within not circumstance. I have experienced the joy of the Lord in the middle of things that were not necessarily joyful. If He can do it for me, He can do it for you.
+Celebrate Single is a simple daily email to you, giving you one way to enjoy the holiday.
This daily email letter will sometimes include recipes, coupons and some really fun things that you can only get when your connected to our email list! It will last the whole month of December! Make sure you are following us on Instagram to stay updated!
Oh one more thing...this is something you can do no matter what your relationship status is! Happily married with all the kids and all the dogs and every person in the world to buy a gift for this Christmas? We get it...this is not a one more thing to your list type deal, this is a way to focus more on what the season is really all about.
So what do ya say? Are you in?
Your friend e