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The art of glistening


Have you ever seen the grass glisten in the morning with dew? Or watched a raindropglisten on a leaf? Have you seen reflections glisten on the surface of the lake – or caught the beauty of a glistening dewdrop on a rose?

Have your eyes ever glistened with tears from the ache of internal pain or pain of circumstance as you poured out your heart to a friend, or to the One who understands all?

As we were traveling recently, the children spotted a most beautiful rainbow. As I was endeavoring to take a picture, I snapped one through the window – which was covered in raindrops. Instantly the whisper came to me. Those raindrops were like tears. And through the glistening drops I could see – the rainbow – the promise of hope remained.He hasn’t forgotten His people. He hasn’t gone back on His promises. He remains, faithful and true.

“Weeping endures for the night, but joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5) And, when we walk the through the valley and the tears glisten in our eyes or on our cheeks, may the sparkling light reflected from them give off the hope of His Presence and Promise, and the knowledge that one day God will wipe away every tear from our eyes . . . FOREVER!(Revelation 7:17)

 Until then . . . may we possess the art of glistening. Shining in the valley with HIS reflection.

By: Janene Dubbeld



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