I just conquered my email app. Over 2,000 emails have been glaring at me through the screen for far too long and today I accomplished getting the red notification flag off my screen! I have to be honest though...I was pleasantly surprised when I found out I could SELECT ALL to delete them instead of tapping my phone a gazillion times. I know, I know...how did this young millennial coffee loving girl not know that!? I have no idea but I’m really thankful that I found it out!
It got me thinking, I wish I could accomplish my to-do lists with just a simple “select all” feature!
Wouldn’t that be great?!
So many times I find myself trying to cross off multiple things on my list at one time. Sometimes I even add a simple thing that wasn’t on the list to the list just so I can cross multiple things off at the same time.
I know, I’m cringing that I just admitted that to all of you. But it’s true...it’s like there this complex to be busy, do all the things, and yet remain present all at the same time.
Have you ever scolded the sauce to a simple meal because you didn’t stay put to stir it. The tea needed mixing, the biscuits needed testing😉, and the napkins needed to put on the table beside each plate. I have done this, I still do this, I actually just did this on Mother’s Day! Yep...I’m the too many things girl! Too many things to catch up on, too many things on my mind, too many things still on my list at the end of the day that have to roll onto the next day which once again leaves me with too many things!
I’m so thankful for God’s grace in the middle of scolded Alfredo and re-written lists. If we could only give ourselves that same grace. I’m learning that my day goes a whole lot easier when I place my list in His hands and ask Him to direct my day! That’s easy to write but it’s not easy to do, I know. It’s a daily surrender of how we want things to go and what that day will look like.
Truth Is: The best things we can do are the things God intends for us. Trusting Him with the timeline, seeking His heart over what we think will fulfill ours. He always & only has what is best in mind. If we can trust Him with our hearts, surely we can trust Him with our day!
Praying He guides your day today and fulfills you in ways you weren’t expecting!
Your friend e