If you have been following us on our Facebook or Instagram recently you may have seen some of the Christmas devotionals we have put out. These are a little shorter and come together with the purpose of connecting with each other on what fills our hearts at Christmas.
Everyone has a different answer to what fills their hearts.
We have loved reading some of your comments on what fills your hearts with joy, love, excitement, peace, hope, delight and wonder. One of you mentioned that you find joy in the little traditions of Christmas like going caroling with family. Another mentioned lighting the advent candles.
For those of you that might have missed some of our online devotionals, we thought we would share them with you here.
The small Christian Day school was held in the basement of the church. The double glass door entrance was across the foyer once you made it to the top of the stairs. The young teenage girl saw something she loved as she looked out the door . . . SNOW! With incredible excitement she clapped her hands, her eyes dancing with glee as she exclaimed to her teacher, “it’s snowing, it’s snowing!!!!”
He wasn’t near as
as she. In fact, he seemed a little disgusted that a teenage girl could be so excited about white little flurry things floating down from the sky! But I WAS EXCITED! I LOVED SNOW!
Today, I still get excited to see it (mostly in pictures)
What excites you in the Christmas season?
Something that brings me joy is a good surprise. Our family had pulled into a church parking lot on a Sunday evening. I was still resting while they set up. All of the sudden I was greeted with a huge unexcepted—but very welcomed interruption to my rest as my oldest son and his wife came through the door. Instantly there was
“extra joy!”
Now there are a few times Mark or the kids have “scared me out of my wits” which I haven’t found joyful – but they sure get a good laugh --- and, truth be known, I LOVED scaring people when I was a kid – so, I guess this is “payback”
But can you imagine being a shepherd on the hillside over 2,000 years ago? Seems to me your senses would already be on high alert for anything that might hurt the sheep. “And suddenly the sky was filled with angels . . . “ THAT’S SURPRISE! And the message the angels gave was even more so! The ONE that they had been waiting for, longing for was born – and they could go and see!
What JOY!!!
God surprised the world with the greatest gift ever given. Jesus. Maybe that’s why I love “surprise gifts” at Christmas.
By the way . . .
what brings you joy in the Christmas Season?
That made me stop and think a moment. I wondered “how is this word different than joy?” So, I looked it up.
– “please (someone) greatly.” Isn’t that people who love others at Christmas? Sometimes I get a little carried away in the season. I LOVE to make people
One of my favorite people is a lady who works in a store near us. When I have the privilege to take her cookies or sometimes it is simply seeing her when I haven’t been there in a while – my friend’s face lights up with
I love it!
Making people smile with
DELIGHT is truly one of my “favorite things.” And, I LOVE to delight in my Savior. He is truly WONDERFUL, COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD, PRINCE OF PEACE – JESUS, our Savior and Deliverer!
What brings you delight this Christmas season?
on earth, goodwill to all people.” Hmmm. Where in the world DO we find peace?
Actually, the peace we need – the only true peace -- isn’t of this world. But . . . we live here!
The hustle and bustle of making everyone “delighted,” can easily rob us of this beautiful gift of the season. PEACE
. I love to sit in my living room by the tree late at night enjoying the calm of the moment and serenity of silence. It’s then I can review the events of the day and see what else has to be done tomorrow. But what brings me
is knowing I’m not doing it alone. The
That first Christmas night, after the animals calmed down for the night, after the shepherds had come and gone, and baby Jesus was asleep on the hay . . . perhaps Mary had a moment. After all, “she pondered all these things in her heart.” Reflected, thought on . . . contemplated, considered . . .” Her son, Prince of
Would you be willing to pause a moment and consider . . . what brings you
this Christmas season?
Hope- the word that hangs in the season like a sparkling ornament on your tree. Christmas is here to give us hope! We celebrate it because of the hope it brings! Along with excitement, joy, delight, peace, love & wonder-hope remains the reason for it all! It is the reason He came & the reason we can celebrate!
“The season of perpetual hope” (guess the Christmas movie scene😉)
God gave us a never ending gift when He sent His son! It is the ultimate gift that keeps on giving!
This is the reason we sing the songs, bake the cookies, & celebrate together! We have HOPE! We have Christmas because Jesus came!
On a day so long ago, an ordinary day, one that no one thought would be special...God sent His son. And the baby came carrying great light that reached into everything
shattered and broken, saving the story for all of humanity.
This is where I have experienced hope. Hope even still when disappointments and unmet expectations greet me on Monday’s. HE is the hope I hold high and hold on to.
How has God reminded you of HOPE this Christmas?
Ahhh is there anything like being in love at Christmas? Everywhere you go, there are songs that make your heart skip, ads for “special someone’s” and hot chocolate dates for two!
If you’re not in love there are specials on dating apps and single’s groups at church. But what if i could tell you something that changes the whole idea of love at Christmas? Would you want to know? Would you tilt your head toward the screen and listen close as I whisper the secret I discovered?
It’s simple really but definitely extraordinary.
There is no greater love than the one already given. Wait...keep reading, let this sink in.
The love created to give us a second chance...I can’t think of a better gift. God gave the world His BEST so we could experience the best that He has to offer. Jesus is the ultimate gift of LOVE.
This is the kind of love that everyone wishes for (even those who are in relationships.) this love writes redemption stories and seeks out broken people.
It changes lives and that my friend is something to celebrate not only at Christmas time but all year long.
How do you capture the essence of this word? The awe – like a bubbling spring beneath the surface AND majestic snow-capped mountain peaks. The mind-boggling beauty of a majestic sunrise that leaves you speechless. Wide open spaces with star studded skies bringing the sense of the finite smalless of man and the infinite greatness of Creator.
Christmas is a time of wonder. Children often portray it best with their innocence. Their eyes shine with the miracles they see all around them. The wonder of lights, of trees, and gifts. We watch and wipe away a happy tear to view the beauty of their uninhibited response.
In full exuberance by heart leaps at the wonder of this season. That God would come to us in the flesh. That He would be LIGHT in our darkness. That He would come as the greatest GIFT of all. That He would hang on a TREE and give His life – then rise again. By faith I accept what He has given – all He has done.
And it all began with what we now call, “CHRISTmas!” For me it is pure WONDER that God would come to earth as a baby in a manger. My heart swells with gratefulness!!!!
How about you?