Last week we ended up driving through the night to get home. We didn’t intend to but realized if we wanted to rest at all before our big tour to Texas & Arizona that we had better try. It was some time early in the morning that I opened my eyes as the sun began to peek over the West Virginia mountains, that I realized where I was.
We hadn’t intended on taking this route, so it was a little surprise to me. One that came with happy thoughts as memories flooded my mind. I got this Christmasy feeling and smiled without meaning to. I took note of the smile and realized how this little town had affected me. You probably have a place like this in your life, one that is associated with a genuinely happy moment.
As I pondered this, it made me think of the special moments I have encountered with God and how remembering those is important. It does something for your soul when you remember how good God has been and what He has done for you personally.
I remember a few years ago now, one of the first times I experienced the incredible peace of God for myself. As I was driving one day, I prayed out loud…”God you know where I am and how difficult this situation is for me. Please give me peace and smooth this whole thing over.” I’ll never forget how amazed I was to experience the peace He gave me throughout the day. I shouldn’t have been surprised but I was. God had answered my prayer and had smoothed the situation out to be almost wrinkle free! ;)
When I remember this day, the parking lot where I paused to pray, and that peace He gave me, I find myself smiling. I remember His faithfulness, His goodness, and His eagerness to be there for me.
Do you need peace today? Is your own strength failing or hope wavering. God will meet you where you are. Reach out to Him
James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…” and I can tell you from personal experience how true that is.
Maybe you have experienced moments with God similar to what I have shared. Press pause on your day for a second and remember them.
If you do, I bet you’ll have a smile on your face in a few seconds.
Your friend e :)
If you have a special memory of something God has done for you, please share it in the comments below! We find true encouragement in memories of God’s faithfulness.