Tea. Do you like it? Do you like it hot or cold? With one lump or two? And what flavor?
Do you like it green or black, brewed or bottled – and when is it you like your tea? Do you like a “breakfast tea” or perhaps the English tradition of afternoon tea . . .
Whew! That little three letter word, spelled, T E A can certainly evoke a lot of questions!
For several years of my childhood, our family lived in Ohio. It was here I first discovered something new and amazing. Now, my mother made tea. We didn’t have it every meal, it was sort of like for special Sunday dinner, or when someone came over. She sweetened it some, and it was good. But, one day, I was invited to my friend’s house after school. I learned about horses, and we rode their four-wheeler and somewhere along the way, we were thirsty. She opened their refrigerator and there was a gallon of homemade luscious goodness. See, her mom was from Alabama – and that day I took my first sip of truly southern, sweet tea. Believe me, tea took on a whole new level!
“Mom,” I exclaimed when I went home. “They keep a WHOLE GALLON of SWEET tea in the refrigerator all the time! You can get some any time you want!” Believe me, I was completely amazed!
Tea became a staple for me. Over the years I went from “sweet” to “Half sweet, half unsweet,” and now I love an ice-cold class of unsweet tea. (I also love hot tea, mint tea, a little bit of green tea . . .)
It was later in my journey of life that God brought across my path some dear friends. We met them in Washington State, and our hearts bonded tightly with the love of God. When they came to visit us in Virginia, Kathy took note that we drank a lot of tea! We made a ton of happy memories that visit and then our paths had to separate for a few weeks.
Our schedule took us back to Washington State. We were excited to see our dear friends again. We had been through a week of extensive ministry which had taken us literally coast to coast. As we walked into their home, welcomed by many friends and acquaintances, Kathy said, “I made tea . . I hope it’s all right. I’ve never made tea before . . .”
It was perfect. But even if it hadn’t tasted “just right” it would have been perfect. You see, the words, “She made tea,” were really saying, “I love you.” My friend loved me enough to buy something they rarely or never bought, take time to read the directions, and do her best to welcome me with a “comfort from home.”
Her friendship showed her love for me. This simple action exemplified an even greater love that Another gave for all of us.
He loved us so much that He carried out the words He said, “Greater love has no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends.”
“Oh, how marvelous, oh, how wonderful, and my song shall ever be. Oh,how marvelous, oh, how wonderful, is my Saviors love for me!”
By Janene Dubbeld